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Ryan Hibbert BT sports

Good trip down to London with Ryan Hibbert who faced Karol Itauma on BT sports. The southpaw Itauma stopped Ryan in the 1st.

Coach Ed said "Ryan cut about 8 or 9kg yesterday just on a water cut. We had a game plan but Karol is a very good prospect and had studied Ryan. Ryan got hit early and tried to exchange with him instead of disengaging and trying to recover. They put us in the York hall town hall and apartments hotel which is right next to York hall. Another Blackpool fighter Dwain Grant was also on the bill and it was good seeing him in there vs a good opponent. Ryan will have a rest now and be back stronger than ever. Steve Finesse offered me a 6 rounder vs Ryan Garner next week. It was a very good offer but my hand is still hurting since sparring Marcel in January then I fought Lowe and then in Spain 1 week later which didn't help my hand so didn't take the fight".



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