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Dubai Fight

Frak Ali vs Ed Harrison. Frak Ali wins on a majority decision as one of the 3 judges scores the fight a draw. The fight which took place at Dubai's La Perle was Amir Khans first boxing event in Dubai with Famous Cryto traders fighting each other in the headline fights of the night. Winston Harrison commentating in the post fight interview said "Ed got the call to fight on Tuesday afternoon. He actually retired after the Peter McGrail fight but Kieran Farrell managed to secure a fight in Dubai, all expenses paid and the offer was to good to refuse.

We set off from Manchester Wednesday morning and arrived at the hotel in Dubai about 3am Thursday morning. We were then out the hotel at 8am to go pick up our car. We missed the 1st press conference as we were in the Dubai mall getting food and going up the Shard. We then made it to the public workout at the Oasis Mall where Ed met Abdul Rozik. We then went to the Emirates Mall to get some food and got back to the hotel late again about 2am.

Ed was then up at 7.30am Friday morning for the check weigh in. The organisation was terrible as the real weigh in was at 11am. Ed and Frak organised with the promoter to allow them to weigh in at the check weigh in so both fighters could get something to eat since they had both woken up so early. We then went to the Palm and went on the Gyro copter which was an incredible experience. After that we had to go back to the Oasis Mall to do the Public weigh in and face off. We then decided to go to the Dubai mall to get some food and watch the water fountain show outside the Burj Khalif. Then we travelled to the Palm Island again and watched the fountain show there and ended up getting back to the hotel about 2am again.

This morning we were up at 5.15am as we had to go on a Buggy Safari at 6.30am in the Sharjah dessert. Ed nearly broke his leg having ago at the sand boarding. We finished the Safari about 10am and went to the buried dessert village where the range rover nearly got stuck in the middle of no where. We then went back to Jumeriah beach for about 1pm and cooled of on the jet skis. After eating at the highly rated 3 fils restaurant we went back to the hotel at 3pm and had to set off for the fight at 4pm. Ed just fought and it's now nearly 1am and he managed to get a draw on one of the scorecards. We've got to be up at 3.30am to go to the airport. As always thanks to our sponsors Walkston Candy and Kieran Farrell for organising everything".



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