Callum Fahy vs Rio, Golden Gloves show
Callum takes a win in an action packed fight on the golden gloves amateur boxing show. The Monday night show at Fusion nightclub saw the fight of the night between 62kg Rio vs Callum 64kg. Every round was action packed with both fighters landing big shots. Callum takes a unanimous points decision.
Coach Ed Harrison said "Callum's opponent changed on the night but Callum had a weight advantage. We've seen Rio spar before and knew he was going to come out fast. We just told Callum to match him 1st round. When Callum come back to the corner I could see he was tired so I told him to box the next round and take a breather from having a war. Rio coming flying out again in the 2nd round and Callum just got involved in a war with him again until his gum shield fell out. He then did box the last minute of the round and made it really easy for himself.
I then told Callum to save his energy in the 1st minute of the last round because Rio was going to come out fast again then turn it on in the second half. Rio come out like a maniac and Callum matched him again. Callum started to fade due to the high pace and looked like he was nearly done but then just got a second wind and carried on punching. It was a great fight for the fans but going forward I would like to see Callum box a bit more instead of just going to war again like all his recent fights".
