Professional and Amateur Boxing Gym
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Skills check list
All moves to be performed orthordox and southpaw. Beginners should practice each skill for 2 x 3 mintues for each stance. 30 seconds rest between each round.
Traditional Stance-
Orthordox Southpaw

0.00- 0.10. Forwards, back,
0.11-0.17. Left, right
0.18-0.21. Pivot out/in
0.22-0.26. Step out/in
0.27-0.30 180 out/in
0.31-0.34 Step in/out 180
0.35-0.43 Switch Forwards/backwards
0.44-0.47 Duck
0.47-0.57 Slip left/right
0.57-1.02 Roll right/left
1.03-1.06 Roll in/out
1.07-1.10 Step back and roll
1.10-1.16 Roll to the left/right
1.17-1.26 Roll in pivot out
1.27-1.36 Slip Slip step out
1.37-1.44 Slip Slip step in
1.45-1.51 Walk left
1.51-2.02 Walk right
2.03-2.07 Step in the hole
2.08-2.12 Pull, step in the hole
2.13-2.23 Circle left/right
2.24-3.43 Southpaw
3.44-4.14 Punches Southpaw
4.15-4.26 Pull
2.27-4.38 Jab, Jab Body, Step in the hole Jab
4.39-4.49 Backhand head/body
4.50-4.59 Lead hook head/body
5.00-5.12 Uppercut head/body